I have lost 18 pounds of FAT since a little before I did the Color Me Rad run in April.
There have been times when the scale has NOT moved. There have been times where the scale JUMPED for the week. Today I weigh less than I have in the past 7 years. It can only go down from here, and I am looking forward to a happy, healthier new life for myself and family.
My endurance is growing. I can run longer..but please make no mistake, I still walk in the middle of these runs. I am not full fledged, and I am no die hard runner. I am a jogger I suppose. I don't have any races coming up for a long time, but that is okay. It means I can look forward to running any day of the week without competing with my sister. lol. I love her to death, but sometimes it feels good to only compete with myself.
Last night I ran the longest I have ever ran on my treadmill. I ran 3 miles, only needing to take 5 walking breaks in between. I was at a half mile before I looked down to see I had been running that long. When I first started, I did it in 10th of a mile increments. I died halfway through a 10th of a mile. I stared at the display, cringing, and waiting for it to climb to that 10th of a mile. I don't have to do that as much as I used to. I figured out a better way to breath. I count one two three out, one two three in..repeat..I feel better than I have inside than I have in a LONG time. I feel pretty at times, something I haven't felt in a long time. Most importantly, I just don't feel like that "fat girl"
with "big boobs"..I felt branded that way, and it was something I internally branded myself. I don't want to be the "she could be really pretty if only"..Nope. Not going to be me anymore.
with "big boobs"..I felt branded that way, and it was something I internally branded myself. I don't want to be the "she could be really pretty if only"..Nope. Not going to be me anymore.
Now if I could just get better from this dreaded head cold!
Turns out I have a raging ear infection. I don't want go on and on about why and how..but I went to the ER last night because the pain was just causing me to feel like I was going to harm myself. I finally got brave, and drove myself at midnight, and after a very long night there, (for a stupid sore ear) I have an ear infection, and finally got some good meds to help me get better. Why can't I just ever get a normal cold? It seems like all of mine always need medical intervention these days.
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